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Governor’s Arts Awards

This event is by invitation only, and space is limited. Interested attendees are encouraged to sign up at http://ctgovartsawards.com to receive updates on how to secure their spot at this exciting gathering. https://fivepointsarts.org/2024-governors-arts-awards/ Like this comment


October 17, 2024 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


855 University Drive
Torrington, CT 06790 United States


This event is by invitation only, and space is limited.

Interested attendees are encouraged to sign up at http://ctgovartsawards.com to receive updates on how to secure their spot at this exciting gathering.


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Kenji Nakahashi: Strange Beauty

Best known for his conceptual and street photography, Kenji Nakahashi (Japanese, 1947–2017) produced a highly experimental body of work grounded in the everyday. Image: Kenji Nakahashi (Japanese, 1947–2017) Time–B, 1980 (printed 1985) Gelatin silver print, 11 x 14 in. Bruce Museum, Anonymous gift in memory of Kenji Nakahashi, 2022.01.33 © Center for Creative Photography, Arizona Board of Regents

Bruce Museum

Blanche Lazzell: Becoming an American Modernist

The first monographic exhibition of her work in nearly two decades, Blanche Lazzell: Becoming an American Modernist traces the artist’s pioneering approaches to abstraction in the United States. Image: Blanche Lazzell (American, 1878–1956) Church Around the Corner, 1949 Oil on canvas, 28 x 36 3/16 in. Art Museum of West Virginia University Collection, acquired through Frances Sellers © Estate of Blanche Lazzell

Bruce Museum

On Thin Ice: Alaska’s Warming Wilderness

On Thin Ice: Alaska’s Warming Wilderness transports visitors to the Arctic to confront the startling impacts of climate change. Remarkable animals from the Bruce’s natural history collections are paired with scale landscape models that showcase Alaska’s diverse ecosystem. The installation highlights both subtle and dramatic shifts occurring across the Alaskan landscape, bringing attention to the impact of rising temperatures.

Bruce Museum

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