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School’s OUT!: Run the World

School’s OUT!: February 20, 2024  Price: $40 Members | $45 General  WPS (see information below) 9:00am–3:30pm @ The MATT FREE Early Drop Off and Late Pickup included from 8 AM – 9 AM and 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM. School might be out for the day, but the fun is still IN at The MATT! Drop off your child for this fun-filled day-long experience. Children will be immersed in the Museum’s galleries and special exhibitions while learning about history and developing…


February 20, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


144 W Main St
Waterbury, CT United States


School’s OUT!: February 20, 2024 
Price: $40 Members | $45 General 
WPS (see information below)
9:00am–3:30pm @ The MATT
FREE Early Drop Off and Late Pickup included from 8 AM – 9 AM and 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM.
School might be out for the day, but the fun is still IN at The MATT! Drop off your child for this fun-filled day-long experience. Children will be immersed in the Museum’s galleries and special exhibitions while learning about history and developing their art skills with unique materials and techniques. Join us for this fun, safe, and educational childcare offering on days you might not get off! All supplies provided. Bring a bagged lunch. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. For more information contact Jason Foberg at x114 or jason@mattmuseum.org
WPS Information:
Waterbury Public School Students looking to receive a slot at a reduced rate of $10, use code OUT24 at checkout.
Support provided by American Savings Foundation.
Returning Members, please sign in. New Members, please register with the email address associated with your membership account on file to receive your member discount. 
Register Here

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Scouts Dino Day

On view in Dinosaur Discoveries: Ancient Fossils, New Ideas: T. rex BiomechanicsT. rex is often depicted with its great legs in a crouch—but was that its typical pose? Some biomechanical scientists doubt it. This model, shown mid-stride in this scale model, may have been rather straight-legged, too. An accompanying video shows how biomechanics experts think a creature the size of T. rex might have gotten around, and a how this great carnivore was likely much slower than any Hollywood T.…

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City Youth Theater: A Christmas Carol

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Mattatuck Museum

Virtual Meditation and Mindfulness

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